Facts about Herpes medication
2018-05-30 15:06:58
Approximately 19 million new STD infections are reported each year and it’s sad to say that almost half of them occur in the ages group ranges of 12 to 24. One of the most common STDs is called Herpes. There are eight types of herpes viruses but only two main types are important because of theirs harmful effect over the human body. There are desperate efforts in the medical world for finding reliable medication.
Once a person has been particularly exposed with open or broken skin area (which includes the eyes, mouth, esophagus, anus and vagina) the virus can be easily transmitted. While the first outbreak of herpes is usually the worst one somebody may experience, as much as 60% of those infected with the virus will fail to notice any symptoms because the outbreak is so mild. Herpes abrasions usually show up in and around the genital area, although at females herpes may cause these swellings to develop inside the vagina and may include vaginal discharge and pain or a burning sensation when urinating.
In most healthy people, herpes doesn't usually cause other health problems. The same way as in case of other STDs, antiviral medications are usually prescribed to treat herpes infections. Treating herpes can help people to feel more socially comfortable. Remember that the type of medication will differ according to the severity of the herpes condition. Since herpes is a common outbreak infection, prevention is much important rather than medication.
Herpes is already alarming, being considered a worldwide concern, since millions of people all over the world are already suffering from this type of STD. Fear of outbreaks or the spreading of genital herpes to a partner or the baby can cause stress, anxiety, or depression. Herpes prevention guidelines mention that a person affected by herpes must not come into direct skin-to-skin contact with another person, should use a latex condom for sexual contact, should limit your number of sexual partners, should be disciplined and have good personal hygiene. All these will really help on controlling the spread of this contagious infection, while waiting for the latest medical achievements to provide revolutionary, that kills the virus.